Tuesday, October 20, 2009

8 years and counting...

Wow, 8 years sure goes by fast!!! (Or 11 1/2 for that matter....) I'm pretty sure that 8 years ago, I wouldn't have guessed that I'd be sitting here tonight, eating takeout with my husband in the noisy presence of our three beautiful children, contemplating the staffing at work, how fast the baby is growing, and what I'm going to say in tonight's blog post. I might have gotten the kids right, or the dinner with my hubby. But pretty sure I would have imagined a more quiet dinner at a restaurant somewhere, without worrying about hiding dessert from a certain almost-4-year-old.... Pretty sure I like the reality much better.

I can't say it was the most exciting anniversary ever.... We got Paige off to school this morning, Aiden to school in the afternoon, I took Finn to the Mommy & Me class we sometimes frequent, Chris and I fit in a couple episodes of Bones, I took a nap on the couch, then had a staff meeting at work. But it was a beautiful example of an everyday day in our marriage. Now I'm on the couch, a Yankees game on the TV (NOT my choice, but Dancing with the Stars IS on the schedule for later), looking forward to eating that dessert we hid from Paige earlier..... Mundane as it may seem sometimes, I love our lives! Thanks for 8 (11.5) great years, honey; may they continue to be fabulous!!! And thank you for ordering me a Diet Coke when you thought I might need one. That's true love.

I've heard more Spanish out of Aiden today than so far this school year. He's finally singing me songs that they're learning in class, giving me an idea of what and how fast he is learning. Aide can count in Espanol (as he calls it now), say the days of the week and the alphabet. They are working on learning the months, among other things. He won a sticker in class today for getting Bingo in a game. They have to talk about the letters in Spanish as part of the game. I'm so glad he's learning and having fun. On a side note, he is still doing well with reading. I was afraid that would take a hit when we added the second language.

I put Finn on the scale at the Baby & Me class this morning. Granted, this scale is often off half to three-quarters of a pound, and Finn WAS fully clothed. Still, the number astounded me.... It said 19# 14oz!!!!! Aiden weighed 19# 15 when he turned 1! Wow, the kid just keeps growing and growing on us......

So, who do you think??? Finn, or Aiden?

Aiden, at 6 or 7 months


  1. I didnt' know you had a blog! Finn is getting so big! I am jealous you had cheesecake factory, we definitely don't have one of those here...

  2. Brand new blog as of last week! And dinner was yummy......
