Thursday, December 31, 2009

Baby seeds

Aiden, Aiden, Aiden.
Awhile ago, after Finn was born, Aiden asked me that question that all parents dread.... "So, how do babies get in the mommy's tummy?"
Hmmmmmm..... He's 6. What to say, what to say??? Age appropriate is a must. Don't think he's ready for the whole Talk yet. Then I remembered something I read somewhere. A mom somewhere had explained to her daughter that babies came from seeds. A seed that was planted deep in the mommy's tummy, that grew into a baby over time.
Well, yeah, kinda. And hopefully that wouldn't garner to many questions. So, I went with it. And Aiden was happy with the response.
Fast forward to after dinner last night. "So, Mom, how is the baby seed planted in the mommy's tummy?" Oh, crap. Yes, out of the blue, just like that. What to say, what to say????? "Um..... The daddy puts it there, Buddy," hoping that would be enough. "But how does the daddy put it there???" You're killing me, kid..... Hoping to pass it off, "Well, the daddy just puts it there. That's part of a daddy's job." Aiden gives me a withering look. "Well," he says, "I think it has a lot to do with love." Huh, smart kid. "Yes it does," I say.
"So, where's the box?" Huh???? "Box, what box, Buddy???"
"The box that the baby seeds come in....." Oh boy. "The baby seeds don't come in a box, kiddo. They're inside the daddy."
That gets me a mom-you're-insane look. "I think you're wrong mom, seeds come in a box."
We left it at that.


  1. My formatting won't save today..... GRRRRRR..... I hate it when things don't look the way I want them to. I hope this wasn't too hard to read.

  2. Kids! Gotta love the relentless questioning! Syd has gotten into asking us those types of things, too and is very persistent with the questioning! Not ready for those types of conversations!Let me know how you word things when the questioning gets more indepth!
