I keep hoping that spring will show up soon. The afternoons are getting sunnier, but the weather is still cool, and the wind just keeps blowing.
Although it is pretty cute to hear Aiden yelling up at the sky, "Mother Nature, can you puh-lease make the wind go away????"
Yeah, May soccer should definitely NOT look like this:
The rest of the week was dedicated to mundane tasks. Finishing up washing clothes. Yes, they still all need to be put away. But hey, halfway done is better than not at all! We mopped the floor, Chris did some vacuuming and fan cleaning. And we all helped to clean out the garage. Yes, nine boxes of stuff and two bags of clothes later, our garage is a little cleaner and the Youth Ranch has more things to shelve.
Next up: painting the craft room. Hopefully I'll get to it sometime next week.
Have a Happy Mother's Day!!!
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