Thursday, November 12, 2009

Off to work!

Sometimes it's strange to be the one working in the house. I've said many times that Chris and I have a "traditional role" reversal: He's the stay-at-home parent, and I'm the worker at this point in our lives. So, it shouldn't surprise us that the kids react to this role reversal. In a classic family unit (do those even exist anymore?????), the mom would stay home with the kids all day long. When the dad came home, the kids would jump all over him and demand his attention since he'd been gone all day. Then they would stand at the windows and wave him good-bye the next day. Right? Well, maybe in some people's little worlds. Anyway......

My kids are Mama's kids. There's just no way around it. The boys, sure. We all hear about Mama's boys. But Paige is a Mama's girl too. My theory is that it's because I'm the one who heads off to work. They get to have their Daddy around all the time, and not me, so whenever I'm home they cling like little monkeys. Very sweet when I come home, but heartbreaking when I leave. Little Finn is just getting this all figured out. Just in the last week, he's started crying when I leave for work, and he'll even start to get fussy if he sees me in my work scrubs. Tonight I switched a shift at work unexpectedly. Aiden looked at the calendar and said, "But Mommy, it's Wednesday. You don't work Wednesdays." And I said that tonight I did. Well, the poor kid got a little angry with me and insisted that I couldn't go to work, and that I had to call them and tell them that I just wasn't going in. *Sniff sniff.....* Paige is the only one who seems like she could care less about it right now. As long as Pingu is on, she's golden!

I assure Chris on a regular basis that the kids love him just as much as they love me. It's just a case of them seeing him more. My proof? When he goes out for some time by himself- to a friend's house, or the grocery store even- he's not gone for 30 minutes before they start in with the "where's Daddy"s and "when's Daddy going to be home"s!!! Kids....

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